Saturday, June 29, 2013

AbiAdorable1594 blog

It's finally here!

My cousin's bearville blog-

She is just starting so I am hoping for her to get lots of pageviews! Spam her with likes and comments!

~Aditi -BABW-

Camp Happy Heart!

Camp Happy Heart is back! On July 1st go to the Floating Cabin to sign up and you will be on one of the 4 teams. Comment below the team you're on and we can see if we are on the same one!

Read more in Bearville Times!                                                             Story on Bearville Times

~Aditi~ -BABW-

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Welcome #7!

Welcome Bacon Das! My newest build a bear! I got 7 credits! I bought five and got 2! 
Welcome to this world Bacon! I know you will be safe and happy here at your new home. 

-Aditi -BABW-

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Last Day Of School!

Yesterday, here where I live, it was the last day of school. Since I am in sixth grade and my elementary school goes up to 6th grade, I was "graduating" elementary school. This was a big deal. I didn't cry but I felt like it because I couldn't see any of my friends ever again. I was moving away, around 15 minutes away from where I used to live...

Comment below about what you did on your last day of  school!

~Aditi -BABW-

Make-Your-Own-Spongebob and Patrick!

Hey guys!

I went on today and I saw an ad. Most times I ignore the ad but this time, I saw Spongebob. Almost everyone I know loves Spongebob (including me) so I just scanned the ad. Now at Build-A-Bear-Workshop (BABW) you can make your very own Spongebob and Patrick! You know how if you squeeze you Build-A-Bear sometimes you can have it say something? Well you can even make Spongebob and Patrick sing the Spongebob theme song!

SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!                                                    

Keep checking in for lots more!

~Aditi -BABW-

                                                      ---Above is a picture of the Ad.----

Friday, June 7, 2013

So sorry! I havent been writing..

Sorry I haven't been writing... I am 12 so I had lots of SOLs. (My state testing.) Right now not many things happening in bearville.. (I haven't been on bearville for a while anyways.) If I get time I promise to write more sorry! Bye love you guys!

~Aditi -BABW-