Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to one of my bestest friends in Bearville!

Lucky Clover Teddy

Hey Bearville fans! Check it out! Go to town square and see the Green teddy! Start the Quest. All the rainbows are here,

Skate Park

Market Place

The Cave

Bee Stylin' Salon

Bowling Ally (In the Sportsplex!)

The prize is... DRUM ROLL PLEASE! (Drum roll)


I can totally rock this hat! (Wink wink)

~Aditi -BABW-

Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidents Day!

Happy Presidents Day! Sorry I haven't written a lot lately. I have bad news...

On presidents day, you don't get anything on bearville!

See? I look so sad. (Sorry it looks silly. I did it on paint and I had no idea how to do it!)

~Aditi -BABW-

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy V Day!

Happy Valentine's day! Guess what?! You can go to Bearemy and get a free gift! A heart t-shirt! It is awesome!

It's the best shirt ever!!!

~Aditi -BABW-

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Check it out! My and my cousin (in real life) are showing out bearville spirit in my cub condo's main. (Designed by my cousin and me!)

Try it with your bff or whoever and send in some pics!

~Aditi -BABW-

Me and my friend!

Me and my friend went to the dance and it was awesome! It was so much fun. I think you guys should try it!

                 DANCE PARTAYYY!

~Aditi -BABW-

Valentines Day Dance!

Hey yall! Check it out! February 10-14 at the gymnasium, there is a dance for Valentines day! If you go there you get 2 things. A awesome dance moves and 100 bearbills!


~Aditi -BABW-

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Which outfit is better?

In bearville a lot girls think it's all about fashion. WRONG! It mostly about playing around and being yourself. I think most girls are WAY over their minds! REALLY! =)

Well I don't LOVE fashion (in real life or in bearville) but I do like to dress up now and then.

Which of these outfits are better?


<----- A                        B------->
Leave a comment saying which outfit you like better =)

We want YOUR opinion!

~Aditi -BABW-

Ice Cream Parlor PRIZE!

Only now February 8-10 you can go to the ice cream parlor and get a free gift! A Flower Cardigan!

This is me and you see the shirt I am wearing? That is the Flower Cardigan. :)

If you want to add me, my user name is AishaBear73

~Aditi -BABW-

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Build-a-Bears!

These are my build-a-bears! (Right to left) Candi, Vanilla, Cookie, Ginger, and Buddy! (Also right to left is oldest to youngest) In August, Candi is turning 3, in May, Vanilla is turning 2, in November Cookie is turning 2, in December, Ginger is turning 2, and in November, Buddy is turning 1.

~Aditi -BABW-

Monday, February 4, 2013


February 4, 2013

My name is Aditi and I welcome to my blog! I called it Build-A-Bear-Workshop because I love build-a-bears. I saw a website for American Girl Doll Fans and I though, why don't I make a blog for Build a Bears? So that's what I did. On my blog you can see all about me and my animals from BABW. (BABW stands Build-A-Bear-Workshop.) Not just my animals and me, I can even give you answers on quests and other stuff happening on bearville!
When you get a build-a-bear, make a free account on Then just look on your animal's birth certificate and enter the code. Then your can play with your furry friend virtually!

~Aditi -BABW-