Thursday, August 29, 2013

Back from vacation!

Hey Guys!

AishaBear73 here because I am finally back from vacation!

Since I haven't been logging on bearville so they took away my Junior Cybearguide! That's not fair! They took it and it's going to be Junior Cybearguide Appreciation Weekend and now I can't get the cool prize. :(

Anyways from August 31st to September 5th, everyone can go to the Bearville Zoo! I was thinking about going there with AbiAdorable1594 for a little cousin "bonding" time. (Even though we talk 24-7)

Like I said before, Junior Cybearguide Appreciation Weekend is from August 31st to September 5th too. Maybe all you JCBGs can get your cool prize and go to the zoo. (Sorry but I am really sad. :( )

Thanks for reading my blog! Love you all!
~AishaBear73 -BABW-

Monday, August 19, 2013

Daily News #3

AbiAdorable1594 here!

August 21st is Bearemy's birthday! Talk to Bearemy and he will give you a special prize!

Here is this week's schedule! Make sure you dress up and send your picture to Bearville!

So not much going on this week!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Daily News #2

Hey guys! 
It's AbiAdorable1594!

So some important things you should know that are going on in Bearville..

Carnival will end on August 31st! I would recommend to go because this special event only comes once a month. ;)

Also, check out the cool events going on in August! I have clipped a picture below if you haven't seen the schedule. 

The Bee Stylin' Salon has a new 'do! I am not a big fan of it.. but you know, different people have different tastes.

Last but not the least, new bears have arrived at BABW! Some are limited editions so you better hurry up!

Oh! And if you do want to contact Aishabear73, her new email address is!

Thanks for reading!


(Now, I don't exactly know how to put this in the folder for daily news....since I have a wordpress blog, but AishaBear73 will put it in the folder.)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Carnival is Open!

Hey Guys! Aditi here with some daily news!

CHH's winner has come out in the newest Bearville Times! Congratulations to Team Green Tracks! You guys win every year!

Carnival has now opened! Go there to play games, ride the Ferris wheel and so much more! When you go to the carnival you also get a cool gift!

That was today's daily news! Come back for more next week!

Oh yeah and also I am going to write each week and put them into a new "folder" called Daily News

~AishaBear73 -BABW-

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Camp Happy Heart Is Over!

Hey guys! Aditi here since I got some wifi for the week. Yes I know some people may have thought something is up but you might have not. Well it's true that I am on vacation. It's also true that my cousin AbiAdorable1594 is taking over my account. Well right now I logged on BearVille and found out the winner.

Congrats to everyone on Team GreenTracks! I am so proud of us! I wanna say good work to everyone who was in Camp Happy Heart and great job to everyone on GreenTracks!

~AishaBear73 -BABW-